Thursday 13 June 2013

Home is where the heart is.

I grew up in Deolali and my house was surrounded with greenery . I used to play in the orchards, climbing trees and I could stay for hours enjoying nature.I have always loved nature.My moment of happiness arrived when after my second chemo we  returned home- Dehradun.

 I was  back in my house after 4-5 months in Delhi,. I was soo relieved .I thanked God for bringing me back home. I have always taken care of my garden and we have many fruit trees and  flowers .

After a long time  I would wake up to see the green view of my garden. It appeased my  body,mind and soul.

Doon has a very pleasant weather. I would stroll in my garden and when the leaves would rustle on breezy evenings , I felt they are divine messengers of God encouraging me to go on in life. Life is a priceless gift. I could feel God's presence in every plant, flower and air.
Even in these challenging times,I felt God's  presence all the time.I felt he is purifying me.If you listen to Him and follow Him, he will help you to overcome every obstacle.
I have actually never been this free .Its been a blessing in disguise. I spend more time with family and am able to spend more time in mu garden, reliving my childhood memories of Deolali once again.

As life changed so did my looks. After my second chemo I lost all my hair. It did not hurt me rather I started to look smarter.I confidently walked around in my bald look.At the hospital, there is a cancer help center and they suggested ti me I could wear a wig.Earlier I denied, but then I realized I could be running short on my Medical Leaves. I had to join back work.So I decided to wear the wig just to work.

I drove myself independently to my office. My administrative staff  is  very understanding. I sit there only for 2 hours. People welcomed me warmly. Since not many people  knew of  my ailment, they felt I was back after my hysterectomy. Many complimented me for my new hairstyle.Getting back to work gives me a sense of normalcy.I have many staff in my Department, I just sit there and do little work. Second, most importantly I save on my leaves and make my salary. Cancer treatment involves a lot of money.Do not feel helpless once diagnosed with cancer.. You are still capable and able of taking charge of your own life.

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